In a way, ESC has sorta become a tradition to us. Last night, Radu, Babe and I, watched it together even though we are thousands of kilometers apart 😀

The 2010 Eurovision Song Contest took place in Oslo, Norway, thanks to last year’s winner, cute Alexander Rybak. The show was a great one, with all kinds of songs, from exciting to boring to excruciating (quoting Radu 🙂 ). This year’s winner was Germany, represented by Lena with “Satellite”. I gotta say I totally agree with that, I loved the song from the moment I heard it. Lena was followed by Turkey’s “We Could Be The Same”, performed by maNga, and *huge smile* Romania‘s “Playing With Fire“, by Paula Seling & Ovi 😀
Some of my favorites were Azerbaijan, represented by Safura with “Drip Drop“; Moldova, “Run Away”, by Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira; and France, “Allez Olla Olé“, by Jessy Matador.

All in all, a great show 🙂

After the jump, you find some of the songs mentioned